| Upcoming Schedule |  | | Monday, 3/24 | - Ag Hoops;;Steve Denton:Writer's Round Table
| Tuesday, 3/25 | - Ag football;High School Report;Mallory
| Wednesday, 3/26 | | Thursday, 3/27 | - Live from Arlington-Opening Day
| Friday, 3/28 | |
| |  | |  |
Chip Howard's SportsTalk
Since 1994, Chip Howard has kept his audience of six listeners entertained with a combination of warmth, wit and sometimes furious anger.
While Bryan Broadcasting is garnering both state and national awards, Chip does the heavy lifting from 4-6 each afternoon-three days a week, three weeks a month and 9 months a year. Tune in and see if you can catch him on a good day.
JFK Documentary - 26 Seconds in Dallas Listen Now: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Chip's Library! Pat Williams - "Happy Down the Homestretch"
Terry Hayes - "Year of the Locust"